i had bun bun about six years ago..at that time he was only four month old..i took him from a chinese friend from lowyat.net at lrt station wangsamaju... the day i took him, was also the day my older brother jatuh and injured his (my bro) hand..so i rush home with bun bun..
when i had bun bun, i already have two bunnies. but bun bun is special to me. he is a mixed dwarf,dutch colored, small body, rounded face, short ear, comparing to other rabbit. the tamest of all my rabbit. he is a good house-bunny, for a moment, i keep him in my hostel, where he roamed freely without giving much problems.
he is my choosen one. when i attend rabbits gathering, he is the one i take with me. the one that sit silently when i bath him. the one that has "licence" to run around in my parents house.
bun bun is leader, he is dominant male in my rabbit clan. he is father of most of my kits.
i remember,last week before he gone, i took him ride my motorcycle, he sit silently in the bike basket. i took him to surau's ledder, where i sit and groom and play with him. every time i put him on the floor, he fastly rush climb onto my hip (i was sitting at that time). looks like he dont want to go from me even an inche. my friend syafiq said: "he was terlampau manja with me".
yasterday afternoon, after finished teaching childrens with my friend at surau, i went to my rabbits cage, i dont see him. when i come near, i saw him laying, rest in peace under the wood shelter i made for him in his cage.
i accept this death as a part of circle of life. every creatures has to face it. at least, i did my best, taking care of him until his last day.
8 february 2010.
Sorry for your loss. RIP bun bun. He was a very cute little bunny.