my last pair of improved village chicken..others already sold

this is lop eared rabbit or what?? this is the sibling of my already death bibbit after surgery..already an adult bunny

this is another siblings...female one...

all kits have become adult now...including this "comot" one..one of the kits i bought from selangor..thouht they were a pair but both were males

when all kits grew to adult rabbit...the new kits born...this is my latest betch of kits...

sleepy babies...

and this is they hungry mom...with her already empty bowl...

donut also grew from cute kits to a handsome buck's bunny....or he still look like a cute kit?

and not forgotted...the quack pack!!

the green headed one is the male of those itik kampung

now already adult...not ducklings anymore...and start learn how to pose to camera like this one

some of these already lay eggs...that have become our lauk, and even sold by my mom and dad..
thats all for now...see ya!!
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